I was scared to be able to serve breakfast today
give them a lot of spinach and protein so they get all pumped up
for the next fight out there with those fires
Just if you think about for a second
We go to work in the morning; we put on comfortable clothes
soft clothes
They put on this hot gear
that right off the top is extremely hot
then they put on top of that the gear
that weighs endless amount of pounds
what does it weigh, that, that….?
twenty-five to thirty-five pounds that they put on
We put on nothing
Then they go out there and they climb the steep hills, and the terrain
very very steep and very tough
then they pull the hoses
and then, when we go into an air-conditioned building, and go to work
they go close to that fire
with tremendous heat
So this is why I say, that they are true heroes
and that is why I am so proud of them